Founded in 1934, chartered in 2016, The Chartered Institute of Trade Mark Attorneys (CITMA) is a professional membership organisation with the power to shape law and practice - nationally and internationally. Find out more
Find out how a Chartered Trade Mark Attorney will help you to navigate intellectual property law.
Learn why trade marks are valuable business assets.
How can you get a trade mark - we take you through the process step-by-step.
Use our directory to find intellectual property legal experts.
Read fascinating and entertaining insight into intellectual property.
The food and drink sector is a thriving busy marketplace, to help new entrants to this vibrant space we have put together a start to finish guide on the stages of securing IP for a new product – what you can protect and how.
Discount supermarkets often sail close to the wind – what do recent trade mark disputes tell us about what is acceptable?
Businesses sometimes look to adopt descriptive or generic terms for their new brand names in order to avoid infringing existing trade mark rights owned by others – however, this isn’t a risk-free approach.
How Marvel and DC lost their US trade marks for "superhero".
Earn CPD and network with the IP profession at our events.
Read analysis from recent trade mark cases.
There can be good reason to argue dual grounds, suggests Maya Muchemwa. O/1030/24, Baraqah Ltd v G & G Srl, UK IPO.
Impressive evidence established the answer, writes Julia King. O/1028/24, Gym Boss Ltd v Hugo Boss Trade Mark Management GmbH & Co KG, UK IPO.
The UK’s highest court brought closure to a persistent conflict, reports Antony Yerasimou. [2024] UKSC 36, SkyKick UK Ltd and another v Sky Ltd and others, Supreme Court.
Sarah Neil summarises a case that gives ‘paws’ for thought. [2024] EWCA Civ 1103, TVIS Ltd v Howserv Services Ltd and others, Court of Appeal.
Read the latest news and features.
Our delegates reconvened at the world-renowned Waldorf Hilton to resume networking and learning together – they were treated to a dive into reviving legacy brands as well as an update on copyright.
We created a new song, and came together to learn, grow and connect with some 200 IP professionals at our Spring Conference.
Discover how to make every CPD hour count with our practical guide to earning, recording, and leveraging your development activities.
Following the recent launch of our 2025 Paralegal Conference, we hear from one highly experienced CITMA Paralegal on how you can combat ‘networking nerves’.