Publications & Communications Steering Group

Acts as a sounding board for the direction and content of CITMA’s communications and publications.


Richard Hayward


Jeremy Bridge-Butler

Lizzi Denton

Kirsty Eves

Richard Goddard

Rebecca Kaye

Charlotte Lavery

Abigail Macklin

Neil Manani

Chris McLeod

Roshani Muniweera

Caroline Nyahasha

Jack Richards

James Setchell

Teresa So

Charlotte Wilding

Indicative time commitment:
One hour per month - includes three meetings per year

Working groups

CITMA Review Editorial working group

Oversee editorial content of the CITMA Review to ensure its suitability and quality. Generate ideas for features and suggest authors for the Review.

Caitlin Mackesy Davies


Rebecca Anderson-Smith

Thomas Coop

Caitriona Desmond

Rebecca Field

Catherine Haworth

Daniel Keene

Jasmine Lalli

Chris McLeod

Roshani Muniweera

Caroline Nyahasha

Beverley Robinson

Khemi Salhan

Pollyanna Savva

Cherry Shin

Cherrie Stewart

Charlotte Wilding

Year round

Indicative time commitment:
Eight one hour meetings per year

Formal publications working group

Provide assistance to editors of CITMA trade mark and community designs handbooks. Identify specific topics for publication either in paper or on line format. Provide an educational resource for the membership.

James Setchell


Jason Chester

Edmund Harrison

Mark Hiddleston

Thomas Hooper

Rebecca Kaye

Year round

Indicative time commitment:
One hour per month - more when publications are imminent