Student representative 2024-26
We are looking for a student representative to be the voice for those on the pathway to qualification as a Chartered Trade Mark Attorney on our governing Council.

The Council of CITMA is seeking to co-opt a student representative to sit on the Council and engage in the discussions and decision making process by Council on strategic matters and policies for the organisation. The Council are keen to have representation from across the profession and the membership of CITMA and it is important that the voice of the student membership is heard and considered in any decisions the organisation makes.
The following sets out the eligibility and requirements for the position:
- Must be a current Student or Affiliate member of CITMA
- Must maintain membership whilst co-opted to the Council
- Must be enrolled in one of the trade mark attorney qualification courses at either Queen Mary University of London, Bournemouth University, Brunel University or Nottingham Law School at the time of the first Council meeting of the new Council (April 2024)
- Alternatively, must have completed courses at either Bournemouth University or Queen Mary University of London or Brunel University at the time of the first meeting of the Council and be starting Nottingham Law School in 2024 or will be enrolling for the 2025 course if on a gap year.
- Should be able to attend and participate in Council meetings (six are scheduled per year).
- Must be willing to commit to read papers in advance of meetings and engage in email communication from time-to-time in-between meetings
- Will be able to hold the post for up to a maximum of two years
- No previous experience of this type of position is necessary
What the role offers:
- An opportunity to sit on a senior board and provide input into the discussions and decisions made at that level
- An opportunity to help shape the future of CITMA, the Student membership and the wider IP community by representing the Student fraternity
- An opportunity to gain the knowledge and experience of how an organisational board operates
- An opportunity to develop personal experience of volunteering and broaden skill set, enhancing various skills and experience
It should be noted there is no remuneration for this position and appropriate approval should be sought from an employer, if applicable, before expressing any interest.
Time out of the office or away from work duties to attend and participate in meetings will be required. It is estimated that approximately two hours per month will be necessary to fulfil the responsibilities of the position.
Council meetings are normally held on a Tuesday afternoon from 3pm - 5pm and are usually held at the office of the President when in person with an option to join remotely. On occasions meetings may be held only online.
Selection process
Any person interested in the position is invited to submit a current and brief CV which should be sent to the Chief Executive, Keven Bader, by email ([email protected]) no later than 5pm on Friday 15th March 2024.
The Chief Executive, along with the President or another officer, will meet or speak with preferred candidates in an informal setting to discuss the position and an appointment will be made.
The successful candidate will be expected to take up position at the first meeting of the new Council which will be the first meeting after the Annual General Meeting. This meeting of Council is scheduled for Tuesday 16th April 2024 starting at 3pm.
Any queries in advance of submitting a CV should be made to Keven Bader ([email protected]). It may also be possible to speak with the current Student Representative who is coming to the end of their two-year term.