Rosemary deals primarily with trade marks but also has considerable experience in copyright and design matters. Along with Alistair Gay, she heads up Keltie’s substantial trade marks practice.

Her full and varied workload includes advocacy work at trade mark hearings, UK and International trade mark clearance searching, preparation of evidence, advising clients on the law of infringement and passing off, advising on the registrability of trade marks, and dealing with contentious issues such as the filing and defending of opposition, invalidation and revocation proceedings. She regularly handles major international 'due diligence' searches using Keltie’s worldwide network of foreign associates.

Rosemary is also highly knowledgeable in trade mark law and practice outside the UK and advises clients from around the world as well as UK companies. She acts for many well-known companies of international repute.


  • Copyright
  • Designs
  • Trade marks