Click here to register.

It’s time we talked more about menopause and perimenopause, and how to support one another through them. Join IP Inclusive for their next “Menopause Matters” coffee date-style gathering, open to anyone who wants to drop by and have a chat. It’s a safe space to talk about (peri)menopause without shame or censure, to share experiences as well as ideas for making our working lives more menopause-inclusive.

There will be small breakout rooms to provide safe spaces to discuss experiences of and ideas for supporting everyone in the menopause community. Whether you have knowledge or experience to share, have questions, want to pick up tips, or simply want to listen to learn more out of interest, then you are welcome to join.

Who is it for?

IP Inclusive's “Menopause Matters” get-togethers are for everyone who works in the UK’s IP sector. All genders and all ages are welcome, as are people from all roles and career levels. You might be going through (peri)menopause yourself, or already have done so, or just want to know more for the future. You might be joining to find out how you can support family, friends and colleagues who are going through (peri)menopause.

Feel free to invite a friend or colleague to come along with you – someone in a different role or at a different career level, perhaps, or a colleague who’s not yet involved with IP Inclusive. They’ll be most welcome!


Click here to register.

This event is free. So are all IP Inclusive resources. That said, they do need money to keep the show on the road, so if you enjoy the event please consider contributing. For more information, visit the IP Inclusive fundraising page.

Important disclaimer

Please note that IP Inclusive does not offer medical advice at these events; they just exchange experiences and ideas. Everyone’s menopause symptoms will be different, so please seek specialist medical advice before undergoing any form of medical or alternative therapy, rather than relying on things you hear in informal discussions.