Support your career growth and professional development at our hybrid paralegal course, kicking off in September.

The CITMA Paralegal Course takes a holistic approach to all the skills that are key for paralegals.

Participants will leave with the confidence and technical knowledge to embrace their potential in their professional life.

Participants are invited to take part in study groups of up to six peers in which they can discuss key learning points, schedule revision sessions and connect with the IP paralegal community.

All successful participants on the course are eligible to apply for CITMA paralegal membership, unlocking career opportunities and access to further learning and CPD opportunities, as well as networking and social events.

It is strongly recommended that course attendees have a minimum of 18 months' experience in trade mark administration and formalities before they take this course.

The course covers the legal aspects relevant to a paralegal's role, ensuring that they understand the technical basis for the work that they do.

It also encompasses the key skills relating to handling formalities and the administration of trade mark portfolios.

With lectures delivered by seasoned trade mark paralegals and Chartered Trade Mark Attorneys, this course will offer a holistic approach to everything you need to thrive in your paralegal career.

The course culminates with an exam on the content covered in the lectures, made up of a written answer section and a series of multiple choice questions.

Topics covered by the course

To download the full programme for the course, please click here

The scope of this course is very broad, and covers a wide range of material. The syllabus for this year’s course will include:

  • What is and is not a trade mark
  • Lifecycle of a trade mark
  • Searching and clearance, including classification
  • Filing and prosecution for a variety of UK and overseas locations
  • Legalisation and notarisation
  • Opposition, revocation, invalidation and litigation

If you fail, a place on the following year's course cannot be guaranteed as priority is given to those who have not previously taken the course.

Unsuccessful candidates can however receive copies of the course content for a fee and sit the exam the following year - they are not permitted to attend lectures.

Only one re-sit can be taken, so if a candidate fails again they must re-apply for the course.

Course delivery options

You can choose from two options when booking (both are the same price):

Blended learning comprising three in-person sessions and online webinars and vodcasts

  • This is our preferred method of course delivery and suited to students who can be in a central London location on three Tuesdays* over the course.
  • We have found students can best engage with the content at in-person sessions where they are not distracted by e-mails, colleagues, etc.
  • They also get the opportunity to meet and interact with fellow students and presenters.

Online webinars and vodcasts only

  • This is suited for students that because of geography or other commitments cannot realistically get to London.
  • While this is not a "second class" course, our view is that students really benefit from meeting fellow students and course presenters face-to-face and we do suggest you only take this option if the others are not feasible.
  • Please note the first two in-person sessions will be recorded and shared with you after the event has taken place. The final in-person session will be live streamed and not recorded.


The cost to take the course this year is £975. Please book online. 

The deadline for bookings is 30th August 2024, although we advise booking earlier to avoid missing out. 

Key dates

Lectures run every few weeks. We will also release on-demand vodcasts which you will need to watch. To download the full programme for the course, please click here

*Please note, these dates are subject to change. 

Course launch: 5th September 2024

Winter break: 4th December 2024 - 8th January 2025

Final exam: 28th March 2025

Frequently asked questions

I’m not sure I meet the eligibility criteria, can I still take the course?

We do not actively discourage anyone from taking the course, nor do we police the requirement that students on the CITMA Paralegal Course have 18 months’ experience. 

This is our recommendation as we have found that those with less experience do not have the broad knowledge needed. 

This said, with more experience under your belt, you are likely to see the day-to-day relevance of more topics and benefit more from getting to know peers in the profession.

Students relatively fresh out of university may not find the content too heavy, whereas if you are juggling work and home life you may find the going tougher. Students from specialist peripheral fields such as domain names or renewals have also taken the course with success.

If you are not dealing with certain elements on a daily basis it can be difficult to apply your experience and learn and remember what is required to pass.

What if I don't have enough experience?

If you have less than six months of experience in a formalities role, you are likely to find our Introduction to Formalities Course to be better suited to your needs. Please click here to find out more about this altnerative option.

Is there a reading list for the course?

The course is self-contained and all handouts and presentations are sufficient for taking the course. 

Although no other reading material is required, we would recommend you make yourself familiar with the EUIPO, UK IPO and WIPO websites as these will be useful in a career as a trade mark paralegal.

What subjects are covered by the CITMA Paralegal Course? Is there a syllabus?

There is a syllabus that we keep confidential. The subjects currently covered by the course are:

  • Searching and clearance, including classification
  • Filing and prosecution: UK, EUTM, Madrid, USA, China and overseas
  • Renewals and maintenance
  • Notarisation and legalisation
  • Recording title updates
  • Replacement
  • Security interests
  • Licensing
  • Opposition, revocation, invalidation and litigation
  • Designs: UK, RCD, Hague and overseas
  • Copyright
  • Domain names

What is the format of the exam?

The exam consists of two sections. Section A contains short-answer questions (approximately 12) that require short answers, lists or clear notes. Section B has 40 multiple-choice questions where you should choose the most correct answer (from four options).

Does the course involve coursework?

The course does not have any coursework. Some handouts may contain exercises for the you to undertake in your free time but they are not meant to be particularly time consuming.

What is the pass mark?

Currently, the pass mark is 65%.

What happens when I pass?

Successful students are eligible for CITMA Paralegal membership of the CITMA.

This is free for the remainder of the calendar year. Membership requires sponsorship from a corporate member, but course presenters will typically be willing to provide sponsorship.

If possible, we will endeavour to run a ceremony for those that have passed the course shortly after the marks are awarded.

Membership as a CITMA Paralegal entitles you to call yourself a “CITMA Paralegal” and requires you to undertake CPD (continuing professional development) each year.

Click here for more details

We run a number of events during the year to help you learn and develop while you earn the required CPD hours.

Are there many people that complete the CITMA Paralegal course that then go onto become Chartered Trade Mark Attorneys?

It is not designed to be a stepping stone course but, yes, a number of students from the course have gone on to qualify as Chartered Trade Mark Attorneys.

Please note:

  • Payment online via debit or credit card only; proforma invoices are not available.
  • Full terms and conditions apply.
  • Closing date: 30th August 2024