Former French and EU trademark attorney, Sylvain has a degree in Law from the University of Strasbourg in France. He also has a MA in Medieval History from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Sylvain founded IP Twins in 2002 , IP Twins Asia in Hong Kong in 2017 and IP Twins Singapore in 2019. As a member of APRAM, ECTA, PTMG, CITMA, MARQUES, INTA and ICANN’s IPC, Sylvain has created an international network of strategic partnerships and leads the development of anti-counterfeiting services and online / offline brand protection. His motto is that behind every trademark, there is (at least one) domain. And that both trademarks and domains are, like the Roman god Janus, the two faces of the same company asset which should be protected and cultivated. IP TWINS is dedicated to the highest quality of services.