Sheila Lesley Volunteer of the Year Award

Help us recognise those who give their time and expertise to support the profession and CITMA.

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As a member-led organisation, we rely on you to help drive our work forward, set the priorities for the organisation and continue to meet the needs of a changing profession.   

What is the new award?

To acknowledge the outstanding individual contribution, we are founding a new award in the name of Sheila Lesley.

Sheila was our first female president and someone who dedicated a lot of time and effort to CITMA and the profession.  

The award will be given to a CITMA member who sits on a committee, steering group, taskforce or working group and has made a big impact through their contributions over the past 12 months. 

How you can nominate someone

The Sheila Lesley Volunteer of the Year Award is now open for nominations, until Friday 13th September. Following a period of judging, the award will be presented to the winner at the CITMA Christmas Lunch in December.  

The judges will be looking for someone who is a CITMA member, and through their work on a committee, steering group, taskforce or working group, has: 

Sheila Lesley OBE passed away in 2019. As someone who gave so much to the profession, it is fitting that this award be given in her name.  

Click here to find out more about Sheila Lesley

Our judges

Ernriel Bell

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Ernie joined Stobbs as an OBE Specialist and IA Trainee in 2023.

Ernie is a Part Qualified Trade Mark Attorney who studied English Language at undergraduate level before taking a Master's degree in International Intellectual Property Law at Brunel University. He then went on to study the Postgraduate Certificate in Trade Mark Law and Practice at Queen Mary, University of London. 

Ernie joins Stobbs after eight years with a Brand Protection company where he lead the brand protection efforts of many international household names, helping them build out anti-counterfeiting strategies, processes and workflows to combat online infringement. Ernie is now also training to become a Chartered Trade Mark Attorney.

Tania Clark

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Past President of CITMA with 25+ years’ experience working in major trade mark and patent firms.

Presently IP Consultant at Arcacious IP. 

Keith Havelock

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Keith Havelock is a Past President of CITMA and was a member of its Council for 48 years.

He is a former senior partner of D. Young and CO LLP and was Secretary General of ECTA from 2001 to 2011. 

He has been associated with the CITMA Review for many years both as a contributor and past editor.

Gayle Holt

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Gayle is currently an IP Specialist with lawfirm D Young & Co, leading and managing the trade mark renewals team.

Throughout her 25 year IP career, Gayloe has worked for Camelot Group plc (previous owner of the UK National Lottery), pharmaceutical company GSK and luxury brands company Richemont International Ltd.

Gayle currently lives in Lymington in Hampshire and during her spare time linkes to travel and regularly sings in Rock Choir.

Carly Sherwood

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Carly is a Senior Chartered Paralegal and Technical Work Flow Specialist.

She has vast experience on all aspects of trade marks.

Carly qualified as a CITMA Paralegal in 2005 and is a committee member of the CITMA Paralegal Course working group.

Lucy Walker

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Drawing on a wealth of nearly 20 years’ experience, Lucy advises her diverse client base on a wide range of trade mark matters.  Lucy’s passion for IP goes further than her day-to-day work.  Lucy is responsible for the management of Barker Brettell’s Renewals Department. 

Lucy is also the equality, inclusivity and diversity officer where she is championing the Firm’s ethos of being truly committed to providing a supportive, thriving working environment that respects and values each individual employee regardless of their background and experience.  As part of this, she has also taken on the responsibility of the firm’s social committee to improve the social environment in the workplace.

Lucy is committed to furthering the education of those looking at careers in Intellectual Property.  Lucy lectures on various undergraduate and postgraduate university courses.  She is also an active member of CITMA’s Paralegal Education Team, acting as a lecturer on the course, participating in the working group and she is an official examiner. Lucy is also a member of CITMA’s Education Working Group for trade mark attorneys.

Charlotte Wilding

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Charlotte is a Chartered Trade Mark Attorney with 15+ years experience, having entered the profession in 2008.

Charlotte spent 12 years at Keltie, taking some time out to head up trade mark practices elsewhere, before rejoining in 2023.

Having a keen interest in developing the careers of young attorneys and education within the profession, Charlotte is actively involved in the CITMA Review and is a member of INTA’s Publication Committee, as well as previously being a member of INTA’s Young Practitioners Committee.