The trade mark 20: Eve Brown
Q&A: Eve Brown

Eve Brown…
… knows where to get a great wig
I work as a… Chartered Trade Mark Attorney at Marks & Clerk LLP.
Before this role, I was… a Barrister’s Clerk. I got acquainted with the inner workings of the courts, worked in a great team, and discovered the best places in London to buy wigs!
My current state of mind is… positive. I’m excited about the world opening up again and the opportunities for business and travel.
I became interested in IP when I… undertook work experience at an advertising agency. This prompted me to consider the work of the Advertising Standards Authority, and I found it fascinating.
I’m most inspired by… young high achievers. I often tune in to Steven Bartlett’s podcast The Diary of a CEO, where he interviews entrepreneurs across a range of sectors.
In my role, I most enjoy… drafting legal submissions, witness statements and gathering evidence.
In my role, I most dislike… working late into the evenings, because I’m a morning person. Thankfully, this doesn’t happen too often.
I can’t live without my… running trainers. I’ve signed up for my first half‑marathon this year, and I only have four weeks to go as I write this.
On my desk is… a cup of coffee that I just bought from a pop‑up kiosk near the station.
In my pocket is… my iPhone. Like many Millennials, I like to keep it close at all times.
The talent I wish I had is… the ability to speak Mandarin Chinese.
My ideal day would include… a trip to Paris with friends to spend some time in the Louvre.
My favourite place to visit on business is… Glasgow. I’m a foodie and a big fan of Ashton

Lane, a cobbled street with some great restaurants and bars.
If I were a brand, I would be… Barbour. I like to think that I’m versatile and practical, and I enjoy spending time in both the city and the countryside.
The biggest challenge for IP is… protecting and enforcing non‑traditional marks such as a shape or pieces of trade dress. In Marks & Clerk’s Fashion and Retail group, we regularly discuss creative solutions for clients facing these challenges.
My favourite mug says… nothing, but the handle is the “right” shape!
The best piece of advice I’ve been given is… not to assume anything.
When I want to relax I… go swimming.
In the next five years I hope to… travel to Japan. I work with some fantastic clients there, and it would be great to meet them in person.
The best thing about being a member of CITMA is… being part of the Education, Qualification and Standards Committee. I get to work on projects that further the development of education within the profession, and I really enjoy the work we do.
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