Insider: June 2020
Our latest news and updates of interest.

Presidents welcome: Brexit is still a crucial focus

Supporting you through the coronavirus crisis remains a top priority for us, but it is important that we keep our focus on Brexit as well. We are reaching one of the most crucial points in that process, so I want to update you on the work we have been doing to fight your corner.
First, we are very concerned about the potential for an unlevel playing field if UK representatives are not able to practise before the EUIPO while EEA representatives remain able to practise before the UK IPO. We have met with UK IPO officials to discuss the matter of UK address for service. They were able to confirm that address for service was not on the UK IPO’s agenda.
This prompted us into immediate action. We have appointed a public affairs agency, DRD Partnership, to help us fight for the best possible outcome in a post-Brexit world. Over the past month, we have been working closely together to reach out to key targets within the Government, the opposition and to potential business supporters and allies to force the Government and the UK IPO to change their thinking on UK address for service.
In addition, we wrote to the European Commission to seek clarification of the interpretation of Article 97 of the Withdrawal Agreement. We have also written to the EUIPO to seek clarification that having a subsidiary based in the EEA is sufficient to allow employee representatives to act for it before the EUIPO.
As you can see, fighting your corner for the best possible outcome in a post-Brexit world remains a top priority for us. If you or your firm would like to be involved in our latest Brexit project, please get in touch via [email protected]
Staying connected
We have been working hard to provide you with more online resources and events to ensure that you stay connected with the profession and have easy access to relevant information and news. For example:
Monitoring COVID-19
Since the outbreak of COVID-19, we have been working hard to ensure:
- You are up to date with the latest news from around the profession;
- You have easy access to relevant guidance;
- You have plenty of opportunities to continue to learn and develop;
- You are able to continue collecting CPD hours; and
- You are supported through what are unprecedented times for all of us.
Our coronavirus hub has the latest news, information and advice in one place,
to give you easy access to support. To visit the hub, go to
Increasing our CPD offer
We are offering you more than 25 hours of CPD in total this year through our adapted events programme to support your growth and development. We will also be looking for new ways to deliver an online events programme that works for you. To view our full events calendar, visit
Virtual coffee mornings

We know that staying connected has never been more important, so we have been hosting virtual coffee mornings to give you the opportunity to talk to other members about anything, from work to home life.
We have had members sharing their top tips for working from home, dealing with post problems and setting up a home office. They have also shared information on unusual online purchases, which TV programmes to watch and ideas for hosting virtual social events for friends and colleagues.
To find out when our next coffee morning is, visit
Help in hardship

Remember that the CITMA Benevolent Fund is here to support you if you are facing financial hardship. If you or your family need financial assistance or information, visit
Global IP Webinar Series
Following the cancellation of our Spring Conference, we have brought the speakers online for our Global IP Webinar Series. Speakers from around the world are sharing insights into the latest changes and updates from around the profession. For more information, see our calendar on page 41 or visit
News in brief
UK tops the world for trade marks

The UK has the best environment in the world for trade marks, a report by the US Chamber of Commerce has revealed. The 2020 International IP Index also revealed that the UK has one of the top two overall environments for intellectual property in the world.
New face for EUIPO search engines

The EUIPO has launched improved versions of the world’s largest free trade mark and design search engines. The TMview and DesignView websites have undergone changes that have made them more efficient and user-friendly. Australia has also recently joined TMview, giving users access to a total of 74 Offices.
IP Pro Bono needs your help
IP Pro Bono is looking for firms and practitioners to support applicants. If you or your firm believe you would be able to assist, please email [email protected]
EUIPO invoice alert
The EUIPO has received complaints about misleading invoices being sent and is asking users to be especially alert.
More CITMA Review features:
A right royal rout
Lee Curtis reflects on the questions raised by the attempted registration of a high-born brand.
Events calendar: June 2020
An important update on our future events programme.
The trade mark 20: June 2020
Lee Curtis believes he's struck lucky.
Harmonisation: New code, new options
Wondering what EU harmonisation means for Italy’s trade mark owners? Paola Gelato breaks down three important changes.