What’s behind another year of booming application numbers? Robert Reading dials us in
At the sharp end
Colin Hulme and Andrew McDonald point out a looming deadline for putting cloned UK marks to genuine use

Conference confidential
IP conferences are an opportunity to grow your network and your knowledge. Our panel puts five of them on your radar

Letter from IP Inclusive
Celebrating the impact of a team effort
Andrea Brewster reflects on 10 years that have changed our profession

Trade mark tracks
As World IP Day invites us to muse on music, Allister McManus charts some interesting industry cases


Our members offer their summaries of selected recent decisions
Colour case lacks traction
Saaira Gill shares a story with a farming sector focus
Who’s the boss?
Impressive evidence established the answer, writes Julia King
On the straight and narrow
The UK’s highest court brought closure to a persistent conflict, reports Antony Yerasimou
Pet insurers put up a fight
Sarah Neil summarises a case that gives ‘paws’ for thought
Going to extremes
The High Court was wrong to interfere with a decision on similarity, says Leanne Gulliver
easyGroup keeps on giving
Giles Parsons sees more to learn from a streak of litigation