Council and CITMA Paralegal nominations open

8th Feb 2024

Nominations for CITMA Council and the CITMA Paralegal representative are now open to all eligible CITMA members.

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The nomination period, which closes at 5pm on Tuesday 27th February, gives members the opportunity to put themselves forward for the positions.

Eligible for nomination for CITMA Council are any CITMA members on the Register of Trade Mark Attorneys who are an Ordinary member, Fellow or Honorary member.

All current CITMA Paralegal members can put themselves forward for the CITMA Paralegal representative position.

Click here to find more information about the roles, nominations and to submit a nomination for either position.

CITMA Council

Being on Council gives you the opportunity to contribute to high-level discussions on the strategy and future direction of CITMA.

Those elected will serve a two-year term.

If the number of valid nominations received exceeds the number of places available (11), then a vote will be required.

This year we are using specialist election software to conduct our elections, therefore nominations can only be made online using the platform.

CITMA Paralegal representative

The CITMA Paralegal representative will act as the voice of more than 500 CITMA Paralegals on Council for a two-year term.

They will have the chance to develop their skills, expand their knowledge and have input into high-level discussions and decisions.

Any CITMA Paralegal can put themselves forward for the role simply by completing our online form.

Nominations close on Tuesday 27th February at 5pm.

For both CITMA Council and CITMA Paralegal representative, should there be more candidates than positions available, an election will be held from Tuesday 5th March. The candidate(s) with the most votes will be announced at our AGM on 28th March 2024.