UK IPO announces COVID-19 support
The UK IPO has put plans in place for customers applying for intellectual property rights during the Coronavirus outbreak.

The UK IPO (Intellectual Property Office) has said its taking measures to support rights applicants and their attorneys who have been affected by the virus.
The UK IPO has said they will extend periods where national and international legislation allows and will support affected customers. Requests for an extension will also be considered on a case-by-case basis.
If customers have lost rights due to a failure to meet a deadline, the rights could be reinstated or restored depending on the circumstances according to the UK IPO.
The UK IPO said:
“The UK’s intellectual property legislation does not provide any single provision for all situations that may arise. Legal provisions depend on the nature of the late response and the circumstances of the delay. UK IPO staff can explain the options available and how reinstatement or restoration procedures work”.
Click here for more information
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