Numbering for post-Brexit trade marks and designs

27th Mar 2019

The numbering for equivalent UK registrations of Registered Community Designs and international registrations post-Brexit has been announced.


Whether there is a deal or no deal, the UK Intellectual Property Office (UK IPO) is committed to giving all owners of existing EU registered trade marks and design registrations an equivalent UK registration to ensure continuation of protection. This includes international trade marks and designs filed via the World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO), designating the EU. 

Last month the UK IPO announced the numbering prefix that will be applied to ‘cloned’ EU trade marks on the UK register. This is also detailed below. 

The UK IPO has stated on its website that the ‘cloning’ onto the UK register of all EU Trade Marks, Registered Community Designs and international registrations designating the EU will take place “immediately before exit day”. 

Registered Community Designs 

All existing Registered Community Designs at Brexit will have their 13-digit RCD number prefixed with a ‘9’. 

The UK IPO has provided the following examples:

Existing RCD number Re-registered UK design number
004048098-0004 90040480980004
000000021-0001  90000000210001

EU Trade Marks

The prefix of “UK009” will be applied to the EUTMs that come over to the UK register in front of the last eight digits of the original EUTM. This will distinguish the comparable rights from trade marks already on the UK register. 
On its website the UK IPO says: “These comparable UK rights will be recorded on the UK register and retain the filing dates recorded against the corresponding EUTM. They will also inherit any priority and/or seniority dates.”
“They will be fully independent UK trade marks which can be challenged, assigned, licensed or renewed, separately from the original EUTM.”
The UK IPO has provided the following examples: 

Existing EU Trade Mark Comparable UK trade mark
000000977 UK00900000977
000025197 UK00900025197
000340513 UK00900340513
017867542 UK00917867542

Click here to see the notice from the UK IPO on trade mark numbering

International designs

Registered international designs that designate the EU via WIPO’s Hague system will keep their full international registration (EU) number, pre-fixed with an ‘8’ on the UK register. 

The UK IPO has provided the following examples:

International (EU) no. (WIPO database)  International (EU) no. (DesignView) Re-registered design no. (IPO)
DM/069 640 D069640-0001 806964000010000
DM/069 629 D069629-0001 806962900010000
DM/069 629 D069629-0002 806962900020000

To clarify the above, the UK IPO says on its website: “In the examples above a four-digit sequence is used as part of the international registration number as it would appear on the EUIPO’s DesignView database. 

“Accordingly, in the first example ‘0001’ is a single design. In the second example ‘0001’ is a first design in a multiple application. In the third example ‘0002’ is a second design in a multiple application.”

International trade marks

International trade marks that designate the EU will keep the last eight digits of the international trade mark (EU) and will be prefixed with ‘UK008’ on the UK register. 

The UK IPO has provided the following examples:

WIPO EUIPO Comparable UK trade mark
917273 (no sub designation, no partial assignment) W00917273 UK00800917273
917273A (no sub designation, partial assignment) W00917273A UK0080917273A
1133775 (sub designation, no partial assignment) W11133775 UK00811133775
421058A (sub Designation & partial assignment) W10421058A UK0080421058A

Click here to read the full announcement from the UK IPO.