The Conference Personality

14th Mar 2025

Following the recent launch of our 2025 Paralegal Conference, we hear from one highly experienced CITMA Paralegal on how you can combat ‘networking nerves’.

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Returning to the BMA House this September, our Paralegal Conference is packed full of opportunities to network and grow your connections. While this can be incredibly rewarding, it can also be a rather daunting concept for some. CITMA Paralegal, J.E. Vargas-Millan shares his top tips for embracing the world of networking.

The evolution of the Paralegal

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The paralegal career is evolving. A great sentence to start this article, isn’t it? The days of paper files and endless docketing are long gone, replaced by automated processes and advanced technology. And don’t even get me started on AI…

Paralegals now play a more client-facing role, and when we’re lucky, we even get to dabble in “Business Development” for our companies or firms – a rather fancy term for networking with peers to generate business opportunities and establish new professional relationships.

A paralegal engaging in business development is certainly a novel concept. Big conferences, client meetings, and networking events were – and in some places, still are – reserved for attorneys only. However, this is gradually changing, with more opportunities for us to participate in these activities emerging every day. Yet, one might wonder: is this for me?

Meeting new people, striking up conversations without being awkward, public speaking, and occasionally even promoting yourself or your company can be daunting, especially if it’s your first time. However, these experiences can be both educational and incredibly rewarding once you overcome the initial fear.

I attended my first conference years ago when I was a Trade Mark Paralegal in Chile. It was a vote of confidence from the partners, and it turned out to be a fantastic experience both personally and professionally. That said, it was undeniably challenging for me, being quite an introvert.

Developing your conference personality

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To help me manage my imposter syndrome, I created a mechanism: a “conference personality”. This alter ego was confident, initiated conversations with strangers, and got the business development work done. If others could do it, why couldn’t I?

You might say, “Easier said than done,” and you’d be absolutely right – until you realise that 90% of the people at these events are also making a great effort to bring out their own “conference personality” without making it too obvious. Not all of us are naturals at this, and that’s completely fine. We’re all in the same boat.

That first conference was a great success and was followed by many more conferences, events, public speaking engagements, and even leadership roles. Hard to believe for me, but my “conference personality” was thriving!

Years have passed, and I’m deeply grateful for the opportunities I’ve had – and hopefully will continue to have. However, I’m mindful that not all paralegals are presented with the same chances. Some may feel they can’t or shouldn’t take part in these activities, perhaps because historically we weren’t included, or because their organisations don’t realise they can give us these opportunities.

Embracing business development opportunities

While I don’t claim to have all the answers, here are a few tips if you’re considering stepping into the world of business development:

  1. Do your research and, if possible, find a mentor. Seek guidance from those with experience; their insights and feedback can be invaluable.
  2. You can do it, you are enough, and you’ll do great! This isn’t just a motivational cliché – it’s a fact. Try to silence the negative “what ifs” and take the plunge. You won’t master it on your first attempt, but practice will help you improve over time.
  3. We’re all in the same boat. As legal professionals, networking isn’t necessarily our strong suit. Keep in mind that many of your peers are just as unsure as you are when starting out.
  4. Find a method that works for you. For me, having a “conference personality” works perfectly. Explore different approaches and choose what suits you best. There’s no one-size-fits-all way to network – just be authentic. That’s what people will remember.
  5. “Adopt a newbie” at your next event. If you spot someone who’s attending for the first time, break the ice, introduce them to others, and help them feel more at ease. Having a guide can make a world of difference and is always appreciated.
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Some might argue that business development isn’t for everyone, but what if it is? Paralegals are increasingly stepping into roles beyond managing deadlines, and business development seems to be leading the way.

CITMA is offering more opportunities for paralegals to get involved – whether through working groups, public speaking engagements, or even our very own Paralegal Conference. Why not take advantage of these?

To my fellow introverts, I know this might sound overwhelming, but these opportunities are invaluable for personal growth and career advancement. Your experience, background, and story are unique. Embrace that, suit up, and get networking – or not, as you prefer.

Super early bird tickets for our Paralegal Conference are available now. 
